Adventure Care Group

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(03) 9989 6919

Soaring to new Heights:

A day of Adventure and Connection!

Our iFly adventure


As I reflect on todays adventure with Harry I can’t help but feel a surge of joy and fulfilment. From the moment I arrived to pick him up, his excitement was palpable. His enthusiasm for cricket was evident as he eagerly awaited at the door, cricket gear in hand, ready for our day together.

Our journey began with a casual conversation about school, where Harry shared his thoughts on his classmates. It was heartwarming to hear him open up about his experiences and aspirations, particularly his involvement in the Math Olympiads and his efforts to overcome shyness.

Arriving at iFly, anticipation was high as we watched skilled professionals perform gravity-defying manoeuvres. Despite a hint of nervousness, Harry’s eyes sparkled with excitement as we prepared for our own flight experience. The induction process was smooth, and before we knew it, we were soaring through the air, defying gravity ourselves.

Throughout the flights, Harry’s confidence seemed to grow and he became more talkative, sharing his thoughts and feelings, and even indulging in the exhilarating VR experience. Despite a minor hiccup with the goggles, our spirits remained high, and Harry’s enthusiasm was contagious.

One highlight of the day was witnessing Harry’s joy during the high flight, where he soared to new heights alongside the instructor. Although time was limited, his eagerness prompted me to extend our session, a decision met with genuine gratitude and excitement from Harry.

Our day finished with a stop at the cricket nets, where I attempted to bowl a few deliveries, much to Harry’s amusement. Despite my lack of skill, Harry’s laughter was infectious as he showcased his batting ability.  

As we parted ways, Harry’s words echoed in my mind, reaffirming the impact of our time together. His favourite part of the day? The entire experience. And I couldn’t agree more.

In retrospect, today wasn’t just about adventure and adrenaline; it was about connection and camaraderie. It was about fostering a sense of belonging and empowerment for Harry, showing him that the sky is truly the limit.

As I look forward to our next adventure, I’m reminded of the profound privilege it is to be a part of Harry’s journey, to witness his growth and resilience firsthand. Today was more than just a shift; it was a testament to the transformative power of support and companionship. And for that, I am immensely grateful.


Harry Flying!!