Adventure Care Group

ACG Logo Landscape Trans 500 x 221

(03) 9989 6919

Respite and Short Term Accomodation

We offer a range of amazing short term accomodation options. These activities can be done as a small group or with just you and one of our support team.

What you can do is only limited to your imagination. Be creative, explore, get out and adventure!

Short term accomodation/respite allow the opportunity for the participant to be supported by someone else whilst providing their usual carer at home, with short term breaks from their usual caring responsibilities.   

4 x 4 Adventure Camp

If you want some excitement and adrenaline our 4x4 camp is for you. Head out individually or in a group and spend some time bashing around the bush. Day trips or overnight stay options.


Camping trips are a great way to escape and immerse yourself in nature. Experience the beautiful beaches and friendly wildlife at Wilson's Promontory or check out the breathtaking views at the Grampians National Park.

Snow Trips and Activities

Visit the snow with your support worker and escape rainy Melbourne. Skiing and snowboarding are lots of fun, however if they aren't your thing snow hiking and tobogganing are also options. Day Trips or overnight stay options

Respite and Short Term Accomodation

If you need some time away and to give your regular carers at home a break, we can offer so many unique and wonderful ideas to help give you some breathing space and get yourself back on track.

Queensland in winter or anytime!

If you need to get away and give your family a break as well, we are offering 7 day minimum trips to the Gold Coast in Queensland.   Includes  ACCOMODATION, CAR HIRE, THEME PARK ENTRY, ALL MEALS, 1:1 support, plus much more. Please get in touch with us to see if this is possible.

Adventure Camps

Our amazing "adventure" camps are especially designed to get you out of your comfort zone for some exhilarating experiences. Based at several of Melbourne's most beautiful locations.

Get moving!!

Let us change the way you view support…