Adventure Care Group

ACG Logo Landscape Trans 500 x 221

(03) 9989 6919

Our Support Services

Some of our favourite things to do with you!

Adventure Care Group provides a variety of Support Services including Social and Community Support, Home Care, Improved Daily Living Skills, Transport,  Respite and more.  

Here is a short list of our most popular activities that you and your support worker can do together. These activities may be the most popular, however what you and your support worker do is almost only limited to your imagination. We encourage you to get creative, venture out and do something that you have always wanted to try.

The Beach

Enjoy a calming walk on the beach and forget about the stresses of life for a short time. Enjoy the sand and sea.

4WD Day Trips

Start early and head out to bash around the bush. Have a nice BBQ lunch and then go again. The most amazing fun you can have in your car. No 4WD needed as our expert driver support team will do all the work.


Spend the day snorkelling with your support worker on a hot summers day. Experience the underwater world that is right at our doorstep.


Learn to cook or make some of your favourite recipes. Cooking is a valuable life skill that will make you more independent and self sufficient.  

Bike Riding

Get out and about! Bike riding is a great way to exercise while also exploring one of your favourite areas or maybe even finding somewhere new to check out.


Australia has some of the best hiking in the world.  Discover our beautiful country on foot and immerse yourself in nature. Get out and experience our beautiful country!


Learn how to surf and catch your first wave or sharpen your skills with your support worker. Surfing is a super rewarding and exhilarating sport. Be careful though, you might get hooked!

Bush Walking

If hiking isn't your thing, bush walking is a perfect alternative. Spend a few hours, surrounding yourself in nature to experience wildlife, awesome views and maybe even some secluded beaches.


Whether on the sea or on a river, kayaking is an easy but fun activity that can be enjoyed by anyone. Take in the scenery and have a fun day out on the water.


Never fished before? No worries!  Head out to a local pier and relax by the water as you learn to catch a fish.


Get dirty and learn how to grow your own food. Gardening may seem boring and uneventful, however nurturing a plant from a tiny seed to an adult can be a very rewarding experience.

Horse Riding

Learn how to ride a horse and enjoy the serenity of a beautiful horse ride through our wonderful countryside.

Indoor Rock Climbing

How about trying something different and going out of your comfort zone?  Challenge yourself and try indoor rock climbing..

Gym and exercising

The gym is a great place to increase your overall fitness and strength. Don't be shy and head down to the gym with your support worker to learn the basics or develop new skills.

Golf and Driving Range

If you want to learn golf or just go out and have a swing, this is for you. See if you can out swing your support worker.

Sporting Games

Visit the MCG for the first time or go and see your favourite team or athlete compete on the big stage. Live sport can be a wonderful way to let loose and experience what Melbourne has to offer.

Enchanted Adventure

Full of rides, climbing, thrills and Adventure.

Day Trips to Melbourne

Melbourne is an amazing city that has something for everyone. Spend the day at an art exhibition, visit the Queen Victoria Market, see a play, go to Luna Park or even check out the famous graffiti at Hosier Lane. The possibilities are endless.

Get moving!!

Let us change how you view support…